Ways to Help
Money makes things happen, but money is not the only thing we need. In fact, some of our most precious donations aren't cash, but time. Friends of the Shelter is supported in a variety of ways. Some members provide unique talents (accounting or legal advice), while others give their time and effort at FOS events. Still others serve as contacts with the community, sharing information with local veterinarians, politicians, and businesses. Finally, we gain support from some businesses who donate as a percentage of purchases. All support is welcome. Please feel free to contact us if you want to volunteer, and need to learn how!
Amazon Smile is a program that takes part of your purchase price and puts it back into the pockets of FOS. You shop, Amazon gives, and we all smile.... Simply go to smile.amazon.com and log in as you usually would. Under "your account"- "Other programs" choose "Friends of the Bell County Animal Shelter". Smile.amazon.com has the same products and prices. The only difference is Amazon will donate to the charity
The Kroger Community Rewards program provides an easy way for Kroger shoppers to donate money to Friends of the Shelter at no cost to them. Start by going to this web site: www.krogercommunityrewards.com. If you already have an account just link your shopper's card to your account or register if don't have one. Search for Friends of the Bell County Animal Shelter or type our ID - GR185 and start earning money for animals when you shop at Krogers.
Buy the Spay/Neuter License Plate when you renew your vehicle license. The Kentucky Spay-Neuter Fund receives $10 for each initial license plate sold and $5 for every renewal. One hundred percent of the fund is awarded annually as grants to Kentucky animal shelters and humane non-profit groups for spay-neuter programs
FOS has recently partnered with Bissell as part of their "Partners for Pets" program. When making any online purchase at Bissell.com, you can choose the "ADOPT" option at checkout, then choose the FOS from the partner list. We will receive a percentage of the profit.
Friends of the Shelter has enrolled in IGive.com, another free service where online shopping helps supporters donate funds to a cause of their choice without costing anything to you. By shopping through the IGive.com site you can chose from 1900 stores that have agreed to donate a percentage of purchases to FOS. Go to IGive.com to sign up and start helping pets while you shop.
When eating nd shopping in our tri-state area, you will see many little yellow dog house banks at many restaurants and businesses. These banks generate money from generous donors who drop in their change. Any business who would like to add a dog house bank to help support FOS is welcome to contact one of our members or e-mail shelterfriends09@gmail.com and a bank will be brought to you. Change makes changes in the lives of pets.
Thanks to these businesses for participating in the FOS Dog Bank fundraising effort:
Bell County Animal Clinic Engle's Drive In
Harrogate Hospital for Animals Food City
Jeff's Pharmacy Papa John's Pizza
Pineville Pawn Shop Sharp's Cleaners
Pappy's Beer and Wine Taylor Drug Store
Lee's Famous Recipe Shades Cafe
Gap Creek Coffee House Pizazz Salon
El Mariachi Mexican Restaurant Daylily Salon and Spa